Grand Master Bobby Taboada's
Balintawak Eskrima Cuentada System

TEL. 704-502-9238
Taboada Balintawak Curriculum Testing and Certificate Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to provide the standard guideline for Taboada Balintawak curriculum, level testing and testing certificates for Taboada Balintawak practitioners. This guideline is designed to maintain the foundational methodology for Taboada Balintawak as developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Target audience:
This guideline is directed to practitioners and martial arts schools that teach Taboada Balintawak, participate in and perform Taboada Balintawak level testing, award Taboada Balintawak certificates, and represent and carry the name of Grand Bobby Taboada, Taboada Balintawak and the Taboada Balintawak Organization.
This guideline is not intended to restrict and does not provide oversight over any practitioner that is not a practitioner of Taboada Balintawak. This guideline does not direct in any manner practitioners or martial arts schools that teach different styles and systems of Balintawak, mixed Balintawak systems or styles, other Filipino Martial Arts, or other martial arts of any kind.
This guideline is directed to Taboada Balintawak practitioners committed to keeping Taboada Balintawak as its own recognized foundational system including Taboada Balintawak Curriculum, Taboada Balintawak level testing requirements and Taboada Balintawak certificates achieved and awarded.
Taboada Balintawak – Taboada Balintawak is the name of the Balintawak system and curriculum developed Grand Master Bobby Taboada. For the purpose of this guideline “Taboada Balintawak” will be the designation understood to represent the Balintawak system and Balintawak curriculum, level testing requirements and certificate requirements developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Taboada Balintawak has historically and continues to be commonly known by the name Balintawak Arnis Cuentada and is designated by the Balintawak Arnis Cuentada logo. Balintawak Arnis Cuentada in printed name or logo is generally followed by site location designation. For example, Balintawak Arnis Cuentada International, Balintawak Arnis Cuentada Europe, Balintawak Arnis Cuentada USA, etc.
Taboada Balintawak has historically and continues to be known by other names which have included either “Taboada” or “Cuentada” in the designation description, curriculum and or level testing certificate documentation. These include Taboada Style, Taboada Balintawak Arnis, Balintawak International Cuentada, Balintawak Escrima Cuentada System, Balintawak Arnis Escrima Cuentada System and World Balintawak Arnis Escrima Cuentada System.
Taboada Balintawak Organization- Taboada Balintawak is an internationally recognized Balintawak Arnis System and Filipino Martial Arts Organization developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada. The Taboada Balintawak Organization includes practitioners in good standing with Grand Master Bobby Taboada and the associated Taboada Balintawak schools approved to teach and represent "carry the name" of Grand Master Bobby Taboada and Taboada Balintawak. The Taboada Balintawak Organization is a professional organization which adheres to the principles of competency, honesty, reliability, standard codes of practice, and trustworthiness. The Taboada Balintawak Organization is guided by the organization's mission statement, statement of values and character expectations. (found at or reference at the end of this document)
Taboada Balintawak Curriculum - The foundational teaching and training methodology developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada. This includes Taboada Balintawak Basic levels 1-5, Taboada Balintawak Completion of the Art level 6, and Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor Level 7.
Taboada Balintawak Level Test (Course Examination)- The standard Taboada Balintawak level test 1 through 7 in Taboada Balintawak (Balintawak Arnis Cuentada) as developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada. Each level test certificate is a measure of achievement and represents a point in development for the practitioner of Taboada Balintawak.
Taboada Balintawak Level Test Certificates (Certificate of Achievement) - Certificate of achievement awarded to a practitioner for each Taboada Balintawak level test 1 through 7 in Taboada Balintawak (Balintawak Arnis Cuentada) as developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada. All Taboada Balintawak Level Test 1 through level test 7 certificates acknowledge the system of Taboada Balintawak as developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada on the level test certificates 1 through 7. This acknowledgment is displayed on the testing certificate by visibly displaying the connection to Taboada Balintawak. This acknowledgement requirement on the certificate is a printed statement or logo signifying Grand Master Bobby Taboada, Taboada Balintawak, and or by utilizing the Grand Master Bobby Taboada developed Balintawak Arnis Cuentada logo.
Granting of Taboada Balintawak Certificate of Achievement-The Full Qualified Instructor level in Taboada Balintawak allows the granting of Taboada Balintawak testing level certificates within the established Taboada Organizational standards. Currently Taboada Balintawak Levels 1 through 5. (see statement of excellence, or reference end of this document)
The Full Qualified Instructor level in Taboada Balintawak does not give this individual the authority to grant testing level certificates on other systems or styles of Balintawak, mixed Balintawak systems or styles, other Filipino Martial arts, or other martial arts.
Home School Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor- The primary Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor with oversight for a practitioner or for the practitioners Taboada Balintawak teacher if the teacher for the practitioner is not at Full Qualified Instructor level 7. This generally includes the practitioners established location of Taboada Balintawak training.
Minor Practitioner- Persons under the age of 18 or under the adult age as legally defined by the permanent location of the minor practitioner and if the minor practitioner is not legally considered an emancipated minor or the legal equivalent as legally defined by the location of permanent residence.
Taboada Balintawak Testing Levels Overview:
Taboada Balintawak Curriculum course test levels 1 through 7 are designated as a certificate of achievement in Taboada Balintawak. Taboada Balintawak Curriculum course level testing follows the standard sequence of Taboada Balintawak levels 1 through 7. This is designed and designated as a sequential program where each practitioner of Taboada Balintawak is required to successfully achieve the preceding Taboada Balintawak level course examination in order to be able to progress to the next Taboada Balintawak course level. Each Taboada Balintawak testing level functions as an assessment tool designed to assist the practitioner in their sequential development and progression through the Taboada Balintawak Curriculum. Taboada Balintawak System Curriculum Levels 1 through 5 each represent a basic understanding of key elements of Taboada Balintawak System for the level being tested. Level 6 Completion of the Art (COA) represents an understanding of the foundational system of Taboada Balintawak. Level 7 Full Qualified Instructor (FQI) represents teaching excellence in the foundational system of Taboada Balintawak.
Prerequisites for Taboada Balintawak level testing and certificate of achievement:
Any practitioner seeking approval for Taboada Balintawak testing must has taken and passed all previous Taboada Balintawak testing levels and received a Taboada Balintawak Level Test Certificate (as defined in this guideline) for all previous Taboada Balintawak testing levels, unless this individual has obtained the direct expressed and granted approval of Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Level testing in Taboada Balintawak requires approval from your Home School Full Qualified Instructor or Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Practitioners requesting Taboada Balintawak Level testing from a Full Qualified Instructor that is not their Home School Full Qualified Instructor are obligated, prior to approval to take the testing examination, to notify and obtain approval from their Home School Full Qualified Instructor or this individual must obtain direct approval from Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Testing Guidelines:
Refer to the Statement of Excellence standards outlined at and at the end of this document.
It is expected that individuals test in conjunction with their Taboada Balintawak Home School Full Qualified Instructor, or at a Taboada Balintawak Seminar with the approval of their Home School Instructor or directly under and with approval of Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Practitioners of Taboada Balintawak are required to Level test in a sequential fashion. It is permitted with approval for their Home School Full Qualified Instructor or Grand Master Taboada to take more than one level test during the same Taboada Balintawak course examination.
Taboada Balintawak Test Levels 1-5 certification approval is permitted by a Level 7 Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor, or as granted by Grand Master Bobby Taboada. Level 6 and 7 Taboada Balintawak certificate and achievement promotions are currently possible, carried out and conducted only under the direct testing supervision of Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Individual School Curriculum Variations:
Taboada Balintawak Basic levels 1 through 5-
Taboada Balintawak curriculum is allowed some limited and reasonable variations for basic Taboada Balintawak levels 1 through 5 if the variations remain consistent with this guide and with required approval of Grand Master Bobby Taboada. For example, some Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructors and Taboada Balintawak Schools require practitioners at Basic Level Four Course achievement to be able to teach level three in addition to levels one and two. Other programs require the practitioner to be able to teach level three upon achievement of the Taboada Balintawak Basic Level Five Course. Upon successfully passing Taboada Balintawak levels 1 through 5 all Taboada Balintawak practitioners achieving Taboada Balintawak level 5 will have completed the same basic requirements and are at the same basic point in the Taboada Balintawak curriculum progression. The requirements for issuing Taboada Balintawak Level Test Certificates remain the same defined in this guideline document.
Taboada Balintawak Curriculum is a teaching curriculum program. As individual practitioners progress through the basic levels they are required to learn to teach and to teach to learn. Individual Full Qualified Instructors have the leeway to directly oversee their own basic level 1-5 practitioners with basic teaching requirements consistent and outlined in the Basic Level 4 and 5 course examination certificates of achievement.
Taboada Balintawak Basic levels 6 and 7-
Taboada Balintawak Levels 6 and 7 requirements as outlined in this guideline and by Taboada organization and by Grand Master Bobby Taboada are maintained without variability unless directly permitted and requested by Grand Master Bobby Taboada. The requirements for issuing Taboada Balintawak Level Test Certificates remain the same defined in this guideline document.
Taboada Balintawak Course Curriculum and testing Certificate Requirements:
Basic Level One Course Examination Taboada Balintawak
-12 basic strikes form in control
-12 basic strikes form full power
-Shadow fighting form
-Basic blocks side to side
-Basic blocks high, low, center
Basic Level Two Course Examination Taboada Balintawak
-Level One review in Taboada Balintawak
-12 defense and counter in control
-12 defense and counter full power
-Semi hitting while in the defensive stage strike to the head
-Semi hitting while in the defensive stage strike to the elbow and head
-Semi hitting while in the defensive stage strike to the knee, elbow and head
Basic Level Three Course Examination Taboada Balintawak
-Level One and Two review in Taboada Balintawak
-Five Grouping System
1. Lifting and clearing
2. Lifting and clearing with head movement
3. Preparation for body flexibility
4. Preparation for speed and reflexes
5. Defense against punches while stick in fighting motion
Basic Level Four Course Examination Taboada Balintawak
-Level One, Two and Three review in Taboada Balintawak
-Butting techniques
-Pushing and pulling
-Punching drills
-Be able to teach Levels One and Two Taboada Balintawak Curriculum
Basic Level Five Course Examination Taboada Balintawak
-Level One, Two, Three and Four review in Taboada Balintawak
-Disarming techniques
-Application for disarming
-Be able to teach Levels One, Two, and Three Taboada Balintawak Curriculum
Level Six – Completion of the Art of Taboada Balintawak
-Level One, Two, Three, Four, Five review in Taboada Balintawak
-Semi advanced techniques
-Application for Semi advanced techniques
-Be able to teach Level One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six in Taboada Balintawak Curriculum
-Approved to teach and Instruct Taboada Balintawak System
(refer to Designations and Responsibilities for practitioner’s section at or at end of this guideline)
Level 7 – Full Qualified Instructor in Taboada Balintawak
-Review Level One, Level Two, Level Three, Level Four, Level Five, and Level Six in Taboada Balintawak
-Develop 24 advance techniques
-Teach own student Taboada Balintawak Curriculum levels 1 through 6 with successful Taboada Balintawak Curriculum testing certificate of achievement in Taboada Balintawak levels 1 through 6.
-Approved to teach, Instruct, test, promote and award certificates in Taboada Balintawak
(refer to Designations and Responsibilities for practitioner’s section at or at end of this guideline)
Special Circumstances:
Minor practitioner Full Qualified Instructor requirements and procedures
It is the requirement that any minor age practitioners (as defined in this document) shall have parental approval or legal guardianship approval prior to taking the FQI level 7 test. It is the requirement that any minor age practitioners (as defined in this document) shall have parental approval or legal guardianship approval prior to any minor level Taboada Balintawak FQI teaching, testing, promotional activities, including Taboada Balintawak Level testing, course examination and awarding certificates of achievement in Taboada Balintawak.
The minor practitioner, upon achieving FQI Level 7 certification in Taboada Balintawak, will have oversight by his/ her Home School FQI Instructor and / or by GM Taboada until age 18 for all Taboada Balintawak teaching, testing, promotional activities, including Taboada Balintawak Level testing, course examination and awarding certificates. The oversight of the minor practitioner FQI will include supervision for any minor practitioner Taboada Balintawak teaching activities. The oversight of the minor practitioner FQI will include direct participation in testing carried out by the Minor FQI. The Home School FQI and or Grand Master Bobby Taboada will co-sign all testing certificates of the minor practitioner FQI level 7 Instructor when he or she is testing, promoting and awarding certificates in Taboada Balintawak. At such time that the minor practitioner FQI reaches age 18, adult status, the minor practitioner will be allotted FQI status without minor practitioner requirements and assume all responsibilities afforded to the FQI status.
Statement of Excellence
Previously outlined at and repeated here is the Taboada Balintawak Statement of Excellence
Taboada Balintawak Organization
Taboada Balintawak is an internationally recognized Balintawak Arnis System and Filipino Martial Arts Organization developed by Grand Master Bobby Taboada.The Taboada Balintawak Organization includes practitioners in good standing with Grand Master Bobby Taboada and the associated Taboaba Balintawak schools approved to teach and represent "carry the name" of Grand Master Bobby Taboada and Taboada Balintawak. The Taboada Balintawak Organization is guided by the Organization's Mission statement, statement of Values and Character expectations.
Teaching Excellence
A primary goal of the Taboada Balintawak Organization is to ensure competency in teaching, instruction, and representation of Taboada Balintawak at the highest professional level. Standard operating procedures, as established by Grand Master Bobby Taboada, include appropriate designations and responsibilities for Taboada Balintawak practitioners at each designation approved to teach Taboada Balintawak (see below). Approval for teaching activities must be granted by Grand Master Bobby Taboada and/or a Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor in good standing with Grand Master Bobby Taboada and the Taboada organization. All practitioners are required and responsible to gain approval prior to teaching initiation from Grand Master Bobby Taboada and/or their associated Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor in good standing. In addition, all practitioners approved to teach Taboada Balintawak are required to be in ongoing contact with Grand Master Bobby Taboada or their associated Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor.
Designations and Responsibilities for practitioners approved to teach Taboada Balintawak
Active, Inactive, Retired Designations: Practitioners of Taboada Balintawak not actively engaged in Taboada Balintawak should assume an Inactive or Retired status. An Inactive or Retired Status represents a practitioner that is not actively engaged in Taboaba Balintawak or has retired from Taboada Balintawak. Inactive or Retired practitioners remain in "Good Standing" with Grand Master Bobby Taboada, Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructors and the Taboada Balintawak Organization. The main purpose of the Active, Inactive or Retired designation is to inform persons seeking Taboada Balintawak Instruction of practitioner status. It is the expectation of the organization that practitioners will assist persons seeking Taboada Balintawak Teaching to Active level practitioners.
Group Leader- Distance Learning: Group Leaders are Taboada Balintawak practitioners specifically designated by Grand Master Bobby Taboada and or a Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor to teach basic level Taboada Balintawak. The Group Leader designation is appropriate for distance training when Grand Master Bobby Taboada or a Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor is not regionally available. This designation requires continuous oversight by Grand Master Bobby Taboada and/or an associated Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructor in good standing with the Grand Master Bobby Taboada and the Taboada Balintawak organization. Once Completion of the Art (level 6) is obtained the practitioner will follow level 6 designation requirements.
Completion of the Art - level 6: Individuals that have attained Completion of the Art in Taboada Balintawak are approved to teach the complete Taboada Balintawak level system. Completion of the Art level individuals teaching Taboaba Balintawak are expected to maintain continuous oversight from their respective Taboada Balintawak Full Qualified Instructors in good standing. Every effort is made by Grand Master Bobby Taboada and the Taboada Organization to guide and assist individuals at Completion of the Art level towards attaining Full Qualified Instructor status in good standing. Completion of the Art level practitioners are recognized, with the approval of their associated Full Qualified Instructor and/or Grand master Bobby Taboada, to provide seminar teaching in Taboada Balintawak.
Full Qualified Instructors (FQI) - level 7: Full Qualified Instructors (Certified Instructors) in Taboada Balintawak have attained the highest level in the Taboada Balintawak Curriculum. Full Qualified Instructors are expected to maintain the organizational standards as related to curriculum consistency, teaching, and testing requirements, and testing procedures, seminars, and related organizational activities. The Full Qualified Instructor status cannot be reached without bringing your own students to successfully test at the Completion of the Art level. The Full Qualified Instructor level is the only level approved by Grand Master Bobby Taboada and the Taboada organization to conduct and level test students in Taboada Balintawak. Currently, it is the expressed wishes of Grand Master Bobby Taboada that level 6 and 7 testing be conducted directly under Grand Master Bobby Taboada.
Full Qualified Instructor - Maintenance of Certification - FQI-MOC: In an effort to maintain Taboada Balintawak Instruction at the highest professional level a program of Maintenance Of Certification (MOC) will be the expectation for Active level FQI's. Taboada Balintawak MOC is a commitment to professional competence through lifelong learning, knowledge and professional growth in Taboada Balintawak. A primary focus of MOC participation is to maintain teaching and skill at the highest level reasonably possible. Currently, the MOC program is on the Honor system for each FQI. There are wide options for participating in the MOC program. The intent is not to make the process cumbersome, unduly time demanding or expensive. The MOC activity requires the process for each individual be specific to Taboada Balintawak. Recommendations and examples would include participation in ongoing specific Taboada Balintawak teaching, instruction, practice, training, testing, seminars, etc. Individuals can return to Active FQI status upon resumption of the MOC process and participation in the organization.
Taboada Balintawak Mission Statement
Mission Statement
To provide Balintawak Martial Arts teaching at the highest level through training and education.
To be a worldwide leader in the promotion of the Art of Balintawak.
To bring awareness to serving, protecting and defending self, family and community.
Organizational Values
Foster an environment that allows and encourages teachers, practitioners and students to reach their goals.
Require competency in the core foundation of the system, individually and with teaching excellence.
Learn to use Balintawak through training and application.
Promote behavior that you expect from a person of high moral standard “always be a good example”
Respect and show responsibility with yourself, family and community.
Show humility and honesty with your teachers, peers, and students.
Strive for personal knowledge, growth and development.
Grandmaster Bobby Taboada